Friday, 31 January 2020

Homemade bread of Khorasan wheat

Today's Sourdough-bread --- Flour of Khorasan wheat ( Oriental wheat ) 100%.

Pane di oggi, usando la pasta madre --- Farina di Kamut ( Grano Khorasan, Frumento orientale ) 100%.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Today's Sourdough-bread

Today's Sourdough-bread --- Flour of Whole Wheat 50% + Flour of Spelt ( Dinkel wheat, Hulled wheat ) 50% and Sunflower seeds.

Pane di oggi, usando la pasta madre --- Farina di grano integrale 50% + Farina della spelta ( Ggranfarro, Farro spelta ) 50% e semi di girasole.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Homemade Sourdough-bread of B&B Ostellino

Sourdough-bread ( Flour of Whole Wheat 60% + Flour of Oats 40% ).

Pane usando la pasta madre ( Farina integrale di Grano Semola 60% + Farina di Avena 40% ).